You might wish you could live forever. Most people actually aren’t really that keen on having eternal life, especially if it means growing old and decrepit. How about staying young forever? Now that might sound like a plan, except that you would watch all of your friends and loved ones grow old and die off one by one. That doesn’t sound terribly appealing either. Okay, everyone gets to stay young forever! That might sound nice, but don’t count on it, as chances are it’s not going to happen. So ultimately, we are left with the prospect of having to face our ultimate demise. As disconcerting and possibly depressing as that may sound, it is something that we cannot avoid. So rather than not thinking about the subject at all, we should try to embrace it, as best we can. For most people, thinking about their death implies thinking about what is going to happen to their family and loved ones once they are gone. They might worry about how everyone will survive without them, what their futures will be like, will they be happy. One way to make sure that one’s family suffers the least amount possible after one has left this mortal sphere is by making a will. One’s death is traumatic enough without having to burden the family unnecessarily with a lot of details that could have easily been avoided with some advance planning on one’s part.
Assets Will Need to Be Distributed According to Your Wishes
If one has accumulated a certain amount of assets during their lifetime, they are going to want to make sure that their family members are able to inherit them properly after they’re gone. This can include everything from personal possessions, to real property, as well as actual money in the bank, investments, even a business. Without a will in place, the situation can become very complicated. Chances are, other people who survived you are going to have to make decisions about how to allocate your assets amongst your family members and potentially close friends, without you having any say in the matter.
It’s also important to remember that a will is basically a snapshot of one’s possessions at a certain point in time, as well as the current state of their family, including the number of children and other relatives. If one’s situation changes for any reason, such as additional assets being accumulated, or one’s family growing with the addition of more children, grandchildren, or even a new spouse, the will should be updated to reflect these new realities. Almost like changing the battery in a smoke alarm, the will should be reviewed every year to make sure it still reflects one’s current wishes and situation in life.
Make Sure the People That Are Important to You Are Well Protected
There is a lot of thought that goes into making a will, and if you have a certain amount of assets, it is not something to be taken lightly. After all, the future happiness and welfare of your loved ones is riding on it. You’ll probably want to get some professional legal advice when structuring your will, so that it will be legally enforceable once you are gone.